Tuesday, 19 February 2008

vote tomorrow mps brown grice harris

VOTE TOMORROW! MPS - Brown Grice, Harris, Findley, Falk

I got this email this morning and although I could make a persuasive

argument for all of these candidates, I am instead posting MPS School

Board member Peter Blewett's email this morning. Peter is one of my

favorite School Board members. He's brilliant, and most importantly,

he actually cares about Milwaukee's children. I have had many

opportunities to work with Peter and Milwaukee is a better place

because of him. Bama and Falk are on our kids' side also. My two

favorites in this race are Harris and Findley. Long time friends,

sometimes colleagues and always hard core activists supporting

Milwaukee's unpriviledged in more ways than I have time to tell you

about, these two would be awesome additions to Milwaukee's school

board and if Peter wants to work with them, this is a no brainer.

Please read his email below. It's quite persuasive on it's own.


The one thing that can get bad people into office is low vote counts.

The masses of people must get involved. That's the only way things

change in our political climate. More on the election to follow...


Please vote this Tuesday for a new direction on the MPS board. This

election will be close!

We need a board that will actively lobby for fair reimbursement of

special education costs, so we do not have to cut programs and

increase size to make up for what the state and federal government

mandates but neglects to pay.

We need a board that will actively work for smaller class sizes,

increased arts and language education, and restored library, nursing,

and counseling services. When we restore these programs to MPS,

middle-class parents will again choose to send their children to our


I therefore recommend that you vote for:

Bama Brown Grice for the at-large MPS seat,

Wendell Harris in District 2,

Stephanie Findley in District 3,

and Terry Falk in District 8.

Isn't it interesting that the folks who cry the loudest about the

drop-out rate are the same ones who took away all the things that make

kids want to attend school--small classes where kids can get to know

their teacher and their peers, programs that increase brain capacity

(like music and foreign languages), programs that teach teamwork and

problem-solving (theater and visual arts).

The people who complain about dumbing down education are those who,

with their drill and kill testing, have dumbed down and resegregated

our schools.

But on Tuesday you can change our direction with your vote.

Please forward this message to your friends and family, and encourage

them to vote.

Thank you,

Peter Blewett

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