Sunday, 24 February 2008

harris county republican judges lash

UPDATED - Harris County Republican Judges Lash Out Wildly in Fear?

This sign is apparently cursed. An acquaintance allowed me to put it

up on the legs of his Southwest Freeway mini-billboard. First I had to

work with him to clear the weeds from the lot. That resulted in what

is going on 3 weeks of poison ivy, including a course of steroids, and

a million buckets of Aveeno.

I finally got the sign up on Friday night before Labor Day. By Tuesday

morning, though, some degenerates who don't know how freaking

expensive these things are, had x'd out my sign.

I choose to believe it has to be forces affiliated with my opponent,

as they don't sell spray paint to just anyone, you know. ;-)

Clearly this is an indication that Harris County Republicans are

terrified. I have heard that from many different quarters.

Nevertheless, that they would waste no time in defacing a Democratic

candidate's sign on the Southwest Freeway more than 14 months before

the election is quite telling.

Democrats should use this as a rallying cry!

I will get another sign up there soon. Look for it between Kirby and

Buffalo Speedway on the southbound side of the Freeway.

Tell your friends what happened, and forward this blog entry to your

Republican friends (if any) and let them smell the desperation for


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I knew this had Republican written all over it. Look what Karl Rove

did to a DCCC e-mail banner! Same M.O., no?

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